Thursday, March 13, 2014

Cable line hike 3/12

1hr 15 min up; 1 hr down ; 16 pd pack

Exactly 4 mo's to go from the big climb !!!


  1. *delurking* The post I was going to comment on disappeared, so I'll write here instead. You're doing an awesome job with your training! Remember that speed won't be the deciding factor when you're climbing at high altitude - it has more to do with pacing yourself and plodding slowly and surely along so you don't burn out. Endurance matters more than speed.

    I'm enjoying following your training, looking forward to the next four months!

    1. Thank you for your kind words of motivation!. That really helps..!! and thanks for following my blog. It gives me more motivation to know a lot of people are following my training and supporting me !!!
