Saturday, March 8, 2014

Camp Muir hike -attempt 1

Started off at Paradise (5444 ft) destined to Camp muir (10080 ft).
Started off the day at 9am when park opened and we could see Mt.Rainier at a distance.

However decent early day weather gave away to white out conditions and  high winds as high as 45mph. We were able to climb up to  Panorama point (at 6800 ft).  Visibility was less than 30 ft forcing us to turn back.
We were climbing up/down 35 degree gradient slopes.  On our way back were hit with ice crystals blowing from the peak due to high winds.

It was my first time snow shoeing.:)

1 comment:

  1. Great going Sowmya !! Just looking at your pictures gets me excited. I am sure you are super thrilled.
