Sunday, March 2, 2014

Mt Si hike 3/2

Mt Si hike today as part of Mountaineers alpine scrambling course. The criteria for getting credit included carrying 25 pds or higher and complete the hike up to Haystack on Mt Si within 21/2 hrs. Beginning elevation 660 ft. Ending elevation approx. 3500 ft. Total elevation gain : 2840 ft.

To get the 25 pds weight used 1 Gallon water jug along with 1 liter water bottle. This is separate from the 2 liter water bladder I carried for my own consumption.

The trail had snow right at the trail head. within 1 mile into the hike, trail turned icy requiring micro spikes..

I did not complete the climb within  2hrs 30 mins. Rather completed it in 2hrs 50mins. The leader felt that was good enough and gave me a passing score :)

However this is a big step up from hike back in November last year when it took me 3hrs and 25 mins to go up and  1hr 40mins to come down, with a light back pack and no ice or snow. Time taken this time with 25 pd backpack and snow & ice trail: 2hrs 50 mins to go up and approx. 2 hrs to come down :)

View from the top of haystack:


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